Dental SEO Case Study: 47,830 Visitors In 6 Months

Dr. Husam Alhurani


In this review, I’m going to share my dental SEO case study with afamous endodontist in Jordan who hired me in June 2023 (as a dentist) to do SEO for his practice.

Previously, he was working with a marketing agency for content, and was getting around 3.5K visitors per month to the practice’s English website. Despite being in an Arabic country, for some reason, the agency missed the opportunity of optimizing the Arabic website.

Also, the endodontist was furious that he needed to review all the content since it has been done by people with no dental background.

Furthermore, the strategy wasn’t clear, the articles were not fully optimized, proper internal linking was missing, and no investment done in creating local SEO pages. (Many other SEO mishaps were clear).

Dental SEO Case Study: Steps I Took

The first step that I made was giving attention to the Arabic website.

Then, I created a clear content strategy in the form of topic clusters to target as much relevant keywords as possible.

After publishing content (and optimizing the published pieces), I spent sometime doing the internal linking according to the best SEO rules.

Lastly, I created local SEO pages for the clinic that targeted most important/relevant keywords. No link building was done, as the marketing budget was tight.

Results? The traffic for the Arabic website has exploded (by 12X). Reaching 1500+ visits/month.

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For the English website, traffic has grown by 1.7X during the 6 months period, reaching 6000+ visitors a month.

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In Jordan, it’s not common for dental clinics to invest in SEO, which made it relatively easy to dominate the search for top priority keywords (see example, the website started to rank for the Arabic version of “root canal”, which is the most direct keyword)

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The endodontist reported great feedback, patients started to come to the clinic stating that “they saw the clinic’s name frequently on Google when they searched for questions about the dental pain they had” ..

In patients’ minds, the clinic’s name took a position of thought leadership (because the website contained reliable answers to their questions), which built trust & made them more likely to call & book their appointments .. Which simply means .. more $$


Despite being an effective medium/long term marketing strategy that generates value (profit, leads ..) to businesses (including dental practices), many dental business owners worldwide & locally in MENA region still don’t recognize its power ..

Which simply means that the level of competition is still within a doable range.

Hire me & let’s grow your dental practice

Interested in promoting your practice’s online visibility through SEO?

Contact me today and let’s get a free quote !

LinkedIn Profile: click here

Mobile No. +962787812154

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